Privacy Policy

Updated and Effective as of December 31, 2019

Storycardz ("us", "we", or "our") operates the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Service").

This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information when you use our Service and the choices you have associated with that information.

This Privacy Policy only covers information collected via our Service and does not cover any information collected at any other website or offline by us.

Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, the terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, accessible from


Blogger is a blog-publishing service owned by Google. It provides tools that allow the publication of content on the web.

Blogger powers our Service by providing hosting and various functionalities. You can read more about how Blogger uses your Personal Information here.

We are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of Blogger.


The California Consumer Privacy Act 2018 ('CCPA') grants California residents ("Consumer(s)") certain rights concerning their personal information as specified in the CCPA. In addition to the rights we state under this policy and subject to the exceptions established under the CCPA, Consumers have the right to:

Submit a verifiable information request concerning: (1) Categories of Personal Information we collect; (2) Purposes for which we collect or use categories of Personal Information; (3) categories of sources from which we collect Personal Information; and (4) specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about them.

Request that we delete certain personal information we collected from them;

Not be subjected to discrimination for the exercise of these rights.

Our Service does not sell nor has it sold in the past 12 months personal information to third parties for monetary or other valuable considerations. However, we may disclose certain personal information to third parties and service providers to enable them to perform certain services on our behalf and, in particular, to make the Service function properly. Regardless, we respect the California residents' right to exclude personal information from such sharing arrangements and to thereby opt-out of any future sale of their personal information.

If the CCPA is applicable to you and you would like to exercise your rights, please contact us by clicking here. In order to verify any request, you may need to respond to an email verification request.

Since our Service is powered by Blogger, we recommend that you read Google's privacy policy to understand its approach toward CCPA.



Our Service may include features or services that allow you to enter contact and other information about yourself. We collect and store all the information you enter on our Services. This may include your name, postal address, postal code, telephone number, or email address.

We will use your information to communicate with you, including to respond to your inquiries. While we may utilize service providers to assist in these activities, we will not share your information with any third party, other than as necessary to fulfill your request. We will not sell or rent the information you give us to anyone.


We may provide areas on our Service where you can post comments, ideas, reviews, suggestions, and other content. Such postings are governed by our terms of use found at Note that any Personal Information you submit, display, or publish in public areas of our website is considered publicly available and can be read, collected, used, and disclosed by others. If you choose to voluntarily disclose information, the protections of this Privacy Policy will not cover your disclosure of that information. We encourage you to exercise discretion and caution concerning your Personal Information.


When you interact with the Service, we, as well as any third-party advertisers, service providers and content providers may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns, including information such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, the referring web page, pages visited, location, your mobile carrier, device information, search terms, and cookie information.

The methods that may be used for this automatic data collection may include:


A cookie is a data file that is put on a computer when you visit a website. Cookies can be used for many purposes, including recognizing you and your interests and monitoring your visits to a website.

These are the types of cookies that may be found on our Service:

    Targeted and advertising cookies: These are cookies used by third-party services to show you interest-based advertising on the Service. Interest-based advertising is the collection of data across different websites and/or different devices to tailor advertising based on preferences or interests know or inferred from the data collected.

    Essential Cookies: These are cookies used by Blogger and third-party services for the proper functioning of our Service features.

For more information about the third-party services that we use and the options available to limit their use of cookies, see "Privacy Choices".

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but, if you prefer, you can usually modify your browser setting to disable or reject cookies. If you disable or reject cookies, please note that some parts of the Service may then be inaccessible or not function properly.

Web Beacons

Small graphic images or other web programming code called web beacons can be included in the web pages of the Service. Web beacons or similar technologies may be used to track the online movements of web users or to access cookies.


Blogger provides the core services of the website, while other services, including advertisements, on our website, are served by third parties. Blogger and these third parties use a variety of tracking technologies such as cookies to analyze how users use the Service. Unless expressly stated otherwise, our website does not provide any Personal Information to Blogger and these third parties, however, they may collect information themselves, including Personal Information (described above in "Information We Collect Automatically"). They may use this information to evaluate your use of the Service.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the tracking technologies and activities of Blogger and these third parties and you should consult their respective privacy policies. We are not responsible for the privacy practices employed by Blogger or any third party.

For information about how you can opt-out of receiving targeted advertising from many providers, see "Privacy Choices".


Please note that your browser setting may allow you to automatically transmit a "Do Not Track" signal to websites and online services that you visit. There is no consensus among industry participants as to what "Do Not Track" means in this context. Our Service does not alter its practices when it receives a "Do Not Track" signal from a visitor's browser. To find out more about "Do Not Track," please visit


We use your email address to communicate with you, including to contact you regarding any content that you have posted to the Service.

Compliance: to enforce our terms and conditions and to comply with our legal obligations.

In any other way, we may describe when you provide the information; or for any other purpose with your consent provided separately from this privacy policy.


We do not disclose your Personal Information except in the limited circumstances described here.

Some third parties, including third party advertisers, may themselves collect such information when you visit the Service. We do not share your Personal Information with third parties for those third parties' marketing purposes unless you first agree to such sharing (either by opting in or choosing not to opt out at the time we provide the choice).

We may disclose user information if we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to comply with applicable laws around the world (for example, in the country of your residence), or respond to a court order, judicial or other government requests, subpoena, or warrant in the manner legally required.

We also reserve the right to disclose information that we believe, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to protect our Service from potential liability or fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful uses; investigate and defend ourselves against third-party claims, or allegations; protect the security or integrity of the Service.


Whenever in the course of sharing information we transfer Personal Information to countries outside of the European Economic Area and other regions with comprehensive data protection laws, we will ensure that the information is transferred in accordance with this privacy policy and as permitted by the applicable laws on data protection.

By using the Service you acknowledge and agree that we may from time to time transfer any information that we collect about you, including personal information, to any country in which we or our service providers are located.


Please note that we may need to retain some information about you to satisfy our contractual, legal, and security obligations. We may retain your Personal Information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.


We have implemented commercially reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational security measures to help protect your Personal Information from an accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, misuse, or unauthorized access or disclosure; unfortunately, however, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your Information, we cannot guarantee its security. You use the Service and provide us with information at your initiative and risk. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us of the problem by contacting us using the details in the Contact Us section below.


We are committed to providing you with options about the Personal Information you provide to us.

You can choose not to provide us with certain Personal Information, but that may result in you being unable to use certain features of our Service.

You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of the Service may then be inaccessible or not function properly.

While we may use a variety of service providers, some of these companies may be members of the Network Advertising Initiative (" NAI") or the Digital Advertising Alliance (" DAA") Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising. You may want to visit, which provides information regarding targeted advertising and the "opt-out" procedures of NAI members. You may also want to visit, which provides information regarding targeted advertising and offers an "opt-out" by participating companies in the DAA Self-Regulatory Program. Please note opting out through these mechanisms does not opt you out of being served advertising. You will continue to receive generic ads while online.

For more information about the use of cookies and similar technologies on our Service, and how to manage and delete them, visit our Cookie Preferences center (in the footer of the page).


Our Service may contain links to other websites and services. These links are not an endorsement, authorization, or representation that we are affiliated with that third party. We do not exercise control over third-party websites or services and are not responsible for their actions. Other websites and services may follow different rules regarding the use or disclosure of the personal information you submit to them. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of the other websites you visit and services you use.


If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), you have the right to: (a) request access to your Personal Data and rectification of inaccurate Personal Data; (b) request erasure of your Personal Data; (c) request restrictions on the processing of your Personal Data; (d) object to processing your Personal Data; and/or (e) the right to data portability (collectively, "EU Requests").

We can only process EU Requests from a user whose identity has been verified. If you would like to exercise your rights, please contact us by clicking here. You also have a right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority. In order to verify any request, you may need to respond to an email verification request. To view additional information about behavioral advertising and manage your preferences, you can do so by visiting:


The Service is intended for a general audience and is not intended for and should not be used by children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 16 and we do not target the Service to children under the age of 16. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us using the details in the Contact Us section below. We will delete such information as soon as reasonably practicable.


Subject to the following paragraph, we ask that you not send us, and not disclose, any sensitive personal data as this term is defined under applicable data protection and privacy laws (for example, social security numbers, information related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background or trade union membership) on or through the Service or otherwise to us.

If you send or disclose any sensitive personal data to us, you consent to our processing and use of such sensitive personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to our processing and use of such sensitive personal data, you must not submit such content to our Service.


We may modify or revise our privacy policy from time to time. Although we may attempt to notify you when major changes are made to this privacy policy, you are expected to periodically review the most up-to-date version found at so you are aware of any changes, as they are binding on you.

If we change anything in our privacy policy, the date of change will be reflected in the "last modified date". You agree that you will periodically review this privacy policy and refresh the page when doing so. You agree to note the date of the last revision to our privacy policy. If the "last modified" date is unchanged from the last time you reviewed our privacy policy, then it is unchanged. On the other hand, if the date has changed, then there have been changes, and you agree to re-review our privacy policy, and you agree to the new ones. By continuing to use the Service subsequent to us making available an amended version of our privacy policy in a way that you can easily take notice of it, you hereby consent to such amendment.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by visiting this page on our website: